Website Layout

New Layout! 6.16.2002 - Sunday

After another long draught (of drought), I'm back! More or less, at least. This morning, my cohort swoosher suggested I do a dynamically modifying colored page. I was going to write a complex matching algorithm then randomly pick a base hue, but I became lazy and just did an rgb gradient. This turned out to be instructional to me, since I hadn't fully understood the relationship of rgb values to different hues. It also gave me a chance to test a really interesting method for creating scarily complex tables with The GIMP. So far as I know, no one has tried this before, and I intend to write an article on it at some point. I have a bunch of things waiting in the eaves until I have time to finish them up and make them ready for the net, so they should be appearing soon. Until then, Have fun!

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