
You are in a roughly hewn crawlspace. A piece of masking tape is stuck to the wall. Someone has written on it with an indellible marker. It reads "Jorge wishes Borges Was Here".

You trip over a small cardfile. Tied to it is a cardboart tag that reads "»Recent Changes."

You are in a maze of twisty passages, all different.

Welcome to Sedated Space, a blog-like blog alternative that's half wiki, half blog, completely weird. In other words, it's a combination of thoughts, ideas, quotes, and links, except hypertexted together using Wiki software.

The idea for this part of the site (and indeed the entire site) was triggered by my friend Hilary Short, an insightful English major at Etown College and a kind friend. She was complaining about blogs and suggested I try something different. So I did. This is it.

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Entry Points

Data_Junkie_Warehouse: Weird, random stuff, delivered fresh to your browser Every Once In A While(tm).

Biblog: I study the Bible frequently and often. Often, I find things that are frequently useful in my life, my relationship with Jesus Christ. Sometimes I write about them.

Me Me Me!: What I'm up to and what is happening to me. They might be the same thing.

Musings on Literature Ramblings for class, for me, for anyone else.

Johnson and Boswell I have always been fascinated by these two dudes. In fact, a letter sent to Boswell by Johnson has been a continual encouragement to me over the years.

First Swath of Blogging Archives from 2001 and 2

Second Swath of Blogging Archives from 2002

Quaff: A cool word if ever there was one.