What do Bees know that we don't?

Today, as I walked through the city on my way to get some Pounds Sterling, I passed an elderly woman who struggled with her dog in the rain. There was no way I could help her, but when I saw her haggard face, I wanted to do something.
As I passed, I gave her a big smile and a nod.
A warm expression grew on her wrinkled face like moisture spreading through a paper towel. The world was a good place again, and she was happy.
Even in the toughest circumstances, the Grace of God and the power of goodness are hard to beat.
"I just passed some workers from the Council, painting over some graffiti; I paused to remark "You're doing great work, there!", with a big smile, and had a brief but lovely exchange with them. It all boils down to human contact, no?"
Praise is an important part of life most people forget. Most people in the States grumble about people involved in public works. They ignore people who do the cleaning. But these are the people who make everything possible. In that regard, they are more important than the politicians, who just bicker about decisions. Grumble about the politicians, if you will. But save some praise for the workers of this world.
Thanks, Clare.