I have accepted, along with Tina Faranda-Bellofigli, the position of Christian Union Rep to St. John's College. We will be organising and coordinating Christian events within St. Johns. But our work is service; the reality of our efforts and desire is not that of leadership but enablement.
When John Stott was at Cambridge, the Christian Union chose not to ask him to be involved in the formal organisation. As his biographer Timothy Dudley-Smith notes, "Oliver Barclay, President at the time, had the wisdom to see that while John Stott could always be available for consultation over matters of policy, choice of speakers and so on, his time was better spent out of committee rather than in it..."
Although I often enjoy administrative efforts, I have always been very uneasy and even skeptical about the such things in relation to assumptions of power, personal virtue, and the community of faith. But if Tina and I can provide a framework and a social network for the incubation of truth, personal spiritual growth, mutual support, and outward love of Christ's people, then I am happy to book rooms and write emails.