On Saturday, I decided to turn on the television. This was a novel idea for me. I have not watched regular television in a very long time. Sure, I have watched a movie here and there, or maybe a documentary, but I haven't turned on any TV channels lately.
See, we only get one TV channel here. Don't ask. It's a long story and related to the fact that I live in a farmland area.
It was Saturday morning, and the cartoons were on. The fast-moving colors made me dizzy. The commercials were even worse. But even the news made me nauseated. Methods designed to keep listless people's attention made me feel sick. I quickly turned it off.

Wow, I'm disconnected. My friends even study with this machine playing in the background, "to help me concentrate." sigh. It's amazing what being a literature student does to you. You start interacting only with books and computers, and the world changes right out from under your feet. Or is the other way around? Has two years of reading changed me out from under the world's feet?
I hope so.