Memory is one of the greatest parts of love. We think of it as a small attempt to regain or re-experience something that is forever lost. But memories are to be savored. They are to be enjoyed. Homesickness is a beautiful thing; it reminds us of God's past kindness and points us to the gentle blessings he has given us today. Memory is the last and deepest part of life's events. This is partly what makes poetry so special.
To many people, living in the moment means a life that doesn't heed future consequences. They sometimes make sudden choices while thinking, "I'll probably regret this later." They regret it later. Memories become bitter.
The Christian is different. By following God, we do live in the now. But we can also savor the past, as we see God's grace in our lives. Within the light of God's love, even the hard times can be met with a sigh and a smile. For the Christian, bitter memories can become sweet.
Show me the valley of the shadow of death. Show me teardrops, bloodstains, and bitter gall. But you cannot show me darkness, not in the presence of Christ's own. Look back, and see. For as the weary soul trods onward, up the ragged juts of stubborn rock, one Hand holds it steady, and the other plants a flower where each teardrop fell.