Yay! During a study by the NRCCUA, the Elizabethtown College website was given the highest functionality rating possible. The NCCRUA surveys high school students to find out which college websites they find most useful and helpful. Even thought we're a small college, we ranked in the top level, along with 130 other websites. The sample size was 3000.
Here's an excerpt from the press release:
"Prospective college students are very Internet-savvy, and they have come to expect the admissions sections of university websites to provide critical information to help them make decisions," said Don Munce, president of NRCCUA. "If the sites don’t provide what they need, with the ease of navigation they expect, they’ll go elsewhere. A quality website can now be the difference between a lost prospect and a new student."
Working with the college on Etown.edu has sometimes been a frustrating process as we struggle to take our grand vision and accomplish it with the time and resources available, but this is the nature of most projects in life. I thoroughly enjoyed the last two summers on the web project and am proud to have played a key role in the IA of a site deemed functional by its constituent audience.