Over the last few years of college life, I have been very blessed to meet a lot of nice people. This is a tribute to some of them.

Who would I be without my family? Here, my brother, grandfather, and I pose at the National Railroad Museum in Reading, PA.

Fellow recipients of the Floyd M. Riddick Parliamentary Procedure Scholarship, summer 2003.

The marvelous Bainbridge Band.

Benjamin Osterhout, a fellow honors student who is a business major and president of Etown's Circle K club. He may joke a lot, but he really cares. I appreciate him a whole lot. Ben is among the few quintessential honors students; I can't imagine Etown's honors program without picturing Ben.

Kyle Kopko, a fellow honors student studying political science, is just about the most efficient, thoughtful guy I know. Professional yet personable, Kyle will make a great professor or elected official. Furthermore, he has strong principles combined with good practical sense. Kyle, along with Sarah Robinson and I, is one of the co-chairs of Etown's Academic integrity committee.

Tasha is an English honors student who went to New Orleans with the group. Very insightful, she can be a lot of fun to talk with. She organizes the college's open mike poetry nights.

Vicki and Kathleen are two of my favorite people. Both are music therapy students, planning to use their lives for the betterment of others. Kathleen was the honors club president for quite a while, though I got to know her in concert band. Vicki is a very close friend. She listens, she cares. I know no one who can be more sensitive and thoughtful toward the needs of others. This is partly because she knows God and cares for those He cares for.

Although I have known him a while, my cousin Sam just recently moved into the area. He's a good guy. Right now, he's really focused on his CPA exam, but that too will pass.

Brett Lojacono has become a friend much more recently than many of these people. God has brought us together to study the Bible and do a bit of computer programming. I appreciate him for his willingness to learn from and obey God no matter what kind of challenges come along. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of his delightful fiancee, Jess.

Matt Vollbrecht, I miss you. Your life was a constant encouragement to me. You cannot see, but how you can see! God has done a great work in your life, Matt; you have challenged and encouraged me beyond what you might think. Thanks.
I was blessed to be able to attend Matt and Jessica's wedding. Both are awesome people, and the wedding was a real honor to God. Oooh! Life is so exciting, and marriage is one of the most exciting parts!

Sarah Pride (on the left, shown here with a past roommate) is one of my very closest friends. She's currently studying history in Virginia. God bless you, Sarah. You have encouraged me so much this past semester. I wish we weren't so busy and could spend more time together.
Many people don't appear here. If you didn't, it's probably because I don't have a photo of you.