I have already mentioned how busy I have become this summer. In fact, I have been forced to drop my intent to ride to raise money for the Lancaster County Library system by riding my bike in the Nightmare (I'm coming up with alternate fundraising ideas, so don't worry).
Last week, I played with the Lancaster County Music Camp. It was great fun; I got to solo the fanfare in Rimsky-Korsakoff's Procession of the Nobles (I love that piece! [excerpt from North Shore Band]).
College friends will be surprised to find out that I haven't practiced for a whole week. Life just became far too busy. Ugh. But I picked the horn up again today, which felt oh so good. Music helps keep me alive. Without the opportunity to play music, colors fade, stresses build, late night hiatus bleeds into dreary mornings, and the pounding of the TODO list inside my head grows louder. Time in practice melts it all away into synaesthetic visions of gleaming ,vivid life.
I will be visiting Zug this afternoon.
In the meantime, here's a celebration of my trumpet and I together again(mp3), even if you can tell the strain from a prolonged absence.